Top Wheat Importing Countries: Overview


Just as the United States exports wheat, it also imports wheat. However, the import statistics are quite unique in comparison to export statistics. The U.S. only exports about 10% of total production, but imports over 50% of total production. The top importers of U.S. wheat are Egypt, Mexico and Japan in terms of volume; however, in terms of value Canada is the largest importer for every year since 2012/13 till the current crop year.

The Wheat Consumption In The World Has Expanded To A Great Degree

The wheat consumption in the world has expanded to a great degree. In 2017, around 1.819 billion tons of wheat was consumed worldwide. This number is anticipated to be around 1.948 billion tons by 2020.

This implies that there is going to be an increment in the demand for this grain all over the world. Wheat is an important staple food for many people as it provides them with energy and also includes protein, vitamin B1, B2 and minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc.

Demand For The Wheat Is High In The Domestic And International Markets.

India is a leading producer and exporter of wheat, with annual production levels that have been increasing in recent years. Wheat is a major food crop for India, where it is grown extensively throughout the country. In fact, it is one of the most important grain crops grown in India and forms a staple food for many people there.

The demand for this crop from both domestic and international markets has increased significantly over time due to its nutritional value and ability to adapt to different soil conditions. The average yield per hectare varies considerably across regions; however, farmers can expect around three tons per acre under optimal growing conditions. The import and export of wheat in India has increased over the time.

Indian Wheat Import Is On The Increase As Domestic Prices Are High Partly Due To Government Procurement And Stock Holding.

The domestic price of wheat in India has been increasing since last year. This is because of government procurement and stock holding. India’s import volume has also increased. In addition, the demand for wheat in India will increase due to an increase in population and economic growth due to economic development.

Even Though There Are Several Countries That Produce Wheat, They Import It As Well.

Even though there are several countries that produce wheat, they import it as well.

Wheat is a staple food in many countries and is the second most planted crop after maize. It ranks second in terms of production volume, accounting for more than 20% of global production on an annual basis and more than a third of global trade. Wheat is considered a high-protein, low-fat food source with many health benefits including improvement to digestive health, prevention of colon cancer and lowering blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Its versatility allows for use as flour for baking bread or pastries; ground into flour or used whole (especially in pasta) or even fermented into beer or whiskey (the most famous example being Scotch whisky). Wheat can also be transformed into corn syrup through dehydration then hydrogenation at high temperatures which results in a sweetener called dextrose that can be used as an alternative sweetener to sucrose (table sugar).

The Most Popular Among These Countries Is Vietnam.

The most popular among these countries is Vietnam. It imports a large quantity of bulk wheat from India to meet its domestic demand and is the world’s second largest importer of wheat. The country imports about 5 million tonnes from India every year.

Japan is another major importer of this crop in Asia, and it also imports large quantities from Australia, the United States and Canada for domestic consumption as well as for export purposes (to other Asian countries).

With a huge demand within the country and exports, India also imports large quantities of wheat annually.

With a huge demand within the country and exports, India also imports large quantities of wheat annually. The average annual import is around 4 million metric tons (MT).

India is the largest producer of wheat in the world and also ranks second in terms of export. With such a high production and export, it was expected that India would stop importing wheat from other countries. However, this has not happened yet as about one-third of the total requirement for the Rabi season comes from imports.

Wheat is mostly imported from Australia, Canada, Russia and Ukraine among others.

Another Major Importing Country For Wheat Is Bangladesh That Imports About 16% Of Its Annual Need From India

Another major importing country for wheat is Bangladesh that imports about 16% of its annual need from India. In 2016, Bangladesh imported about 2 million tons of wheat from India. This was a fivefold increase from the previous year when it had imported only 500 thousand tons of wheat.

Wheat is a staple food for the people of India and is grown in almost all the states of India. It has been grown since time immemorial and its cultivation was started in India during the 4th century AD. Wheat is cultivated throughout India except some parts which are too hot or cold for its growth. Wheat crop covers an area of about 74 million hectares with production exceeding 180 million tonnes per annum.

The Major Markets For Indian Wheat Are Iraq, Jordan And Iran.

Iraq is the largest market for Indian wheat. The country imports almost 4 million tonnes of Indian wheat every year, which is equivalent to 40 per cent of total exports from India. Iraq has been an important market for Indian wheat since the 1990s and it is expected that this country will continue to remain a major importer in future as well.

Iraq was once self-sufficient in food grains but after the US led invasion at the start of 2003, Iraq’s agricultural sector has suffered immensely, with consequent food shortages leading to large scale migration of people from rural areas into cities (or vice versa). It is estimated that more than 2 million Iraqi citizens were displaced by violence between January 2008 and December 2011, with many fleeing across borders or seeking refuge in neighbouring countries such as Jordan and Syria; however, one out every ten people did flee their homes inside Iraq during those same years according to UN High Commissioner for Refugees statistics released last year.”


This article on the top wheat importing countries is written with the intention to inform its readers about import trends and different markets of wheat while also sharing knowledge related to its properties. Wheat is a good source of antioxidants and cancer-fighting minerals like selenium and manganese.

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