Global Sugar Trading Through

Sugar is the generalized name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. Different types of sugar are taken from different sources. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and contain glucose (also known as dextrose), fructose and galactose.

Sugar is found in most plant tissues but only in sugarcane and sugar beet is sufficient for efficient extraction. Sugarcane refers to several species or hybrids of the genus Saccharum in the Poaceae family. In 2016, world production of sugar was about 168 million tonnes, with Brazil producing 31% of the world total followed by India and China at 13% each.

Tradologie is a platform that connects Buyers & Sellers to trade sugar online through an auction/tender mechanism on a common portal where they can gain access to new markets through an online bidding process. Tradologie offers an online platform where buyers can post their requirements (enquiry) for items.

Benefits of buying sugar through is an online B2B marketplace that has made a name for itself in the eCommerce industry. We offer a unique opportunity to buyers and sellers enabling them to trade globally with full transparency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

We are bringing the world closer through our online trading platform which is designed to enable you with the latest technology to help you sugar trade globally and create new business opportunities for yourself.

1. Cash Saving:

No need to travel to the market for purchase, no need to negotiate with suppliers and traders, no transportation cost, no hassle for any kind of follow-up, no need to bargain for better prices.

2. Lesser Risk:

Sugar is a commodity that fluctuates a lot in its prices in the market. By buying through you can be assured of getting the best price at the time of buying because you have the option to buy from multiple suppliers and choose the best price available on a given day/time. You can also hedge your risk by buying sugar at desired price levels (ensuring that you will get sugar at your desired price).

3. Better Quality:

Being one of India’s biggest online-to-offline procurement platforms, has created a strong network seller across India and has partnered with many leading sugar brands for their bulk procurement requirements. This ensures that you get the best quality sugar in all your purchases on Tradologie since we have ensured adequate quality checks prior to delivering the commodity to you from our warehouses across India

We have brought about a revolution in the agricultural sector by helping companies find perfect matches for their business needs as per their requirement and specifications. can be your ultimate solution partner as we offer you easy access to a large network of suppliers at our platform who can cater to your requirements effectively. It provides a one stop solution for all your sourcing needs related to procurement activity of the entire range of products in the agriculture industry such as Sugar, Rice, Wheat, Fruits etc.


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