Exporting Black Pepper & White Pepper from India


India is the world's largest producer and exporter of black pepper. It is also one of the few countries in the world which produces both black as well as white pepper.

Pepper is a perennial climber with woody stems and dark green leaves. The spikes are slender and cylindrical, about 4 to 5 cm long and 1 cm thick. The individual fruits are small, round berries about 4 mm in diameter and contain a single seed each. Black Pepper has a pungent aroma and sharp pungent taste. White Pepper is prepared by removing the outer skin of the unripe fruit before drying it.

Organic spices are grown in India mainly as an intercrop along with coconut, arecanut, coffee, cardamom etc. In Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, pepper is grown mainly on slopes of hills from sea level to an altitude of about 1500 metres under natural shade of evergreen trees like rubber, teakwood etc. In Orissa too pepper cultivation is quite popular but not to such extent as it is in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

About 95% of the total production in India comes from these three states described above. Maximum production takes place during December-January months with a smaller crop during June-July months.

Black Pepper

Black Pepper is a perennial climbing vine, belonging to the family Piperaceae. It takes its name from its fruit, which has a hot pungent taste. The plant is native to India and is extensively cultivated there and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Brazil

Pepper is a very important cash crop in India. It not only gives good returns for the farmer but generates substantial foreign exchange for the country through spice exports. In the international market pepper commands a higher price than any other spice.

India produces two varieties of pepper – black pepper and white pepper. Black pepper accounts for about 80% of total pepper production in India

White Pepper

White pepper is the fruit of the pepper plant that has been harvested fully ripe and dried after removal of the outer dark-coloured skin. The fully ripe fruit contains 16–20% of piperine by dry weight compared with 3–10% in unripe fruit

White pepper can be used in dishes like light-coloured sauces or mashed potatoes, where black pepper would visibly stand out. There are various types of white peppers available such as muntok white peppercorns, sarawak white peppercorns, tellicherry white peppercorns etc.

Export/Import through Tradologie.com

Tradologie is one of the best digital trading hubs for food products & agri-commodities. It has 500K+ verified buyers base that are ready to buy and 45K+ seller base from all over the world. You can import/export Black Pepper online through Tradologie easily because the company facilitates direct contact between sellers and buyers. The company has 24/7 customer support.

If you are a buyer, register yourself as a buyer to import and if you are a seller register yourself as a seller to export.


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